Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Its too wet to be on the plot but heaven knows we need the water

So all indoor jobs today.
Tom plants are doing well

Monday, April 2, 2012

Garlic Bed Weeded

Bean Trench Finished

Trench lined with newspaper and filled with Chicken Manure

Trench Covered over and posts and cross bar ready for the polls

Sunday, April 1, 2012


The Garlic is looking good but I need to get on with the weeding

Trench Warfare

In preparation for the Beans I have dug out a trench across a whole row which I will line with newspapers and fill with our home produced chicken manure and other compostable material.

Time to Sow Onions

Not the best photo.
I sowed 100 Onion Sets in 4 rows yesterday (Saturday).
This time the fleece is to keep the birds off rather that frost protection.

First Earlies Are Here

I earthed them up before leaving and carefully replaced the fleece to protect them from overnight frost