Monday, June 27, 2011

Black Fly !!!

Spotted Black Fly one the Broad Beans this morning.

Hopefully picking the tops out will sort it out

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Its all growing well following the rain.



Rain Gauge

I have installed a simple rain gauge on the plot made from a funnel, an old soft drink bottle and a couple of plant pots.The plant pots from a sleeve and hold the funnel in place. Knowing the diameter of the funnel the volume of 1mm of water can be calculated. This value is then used to determine the rainfall from the measuring cylinder values obtained.

New Mobile Site

This blog is now available in a mobile friendly format.

Just use the existing url from your Android, Blackberry or iPhone

Saturday, June 18, 2011


This weekend with help from Rob & Izi I got the bark chippings down round the fruit trees and the poly tunnel