Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Storm Battered Broad Beans

My Broad Beams are looking a little worst for wear following the storms

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Its too wet to be on the plot but heaven knows we need the water

So all indoor jobs today.
Tom plants are doing well

Monday, April 2, 2012

Garlic Bed Weeded

Bean Trench Finished

Trench lined with newspaper and filled with Chicken Manure

Trench Covered over and posts and cross bar ready for the polls

Sunday, April 1, 2012


The Garlic is looking good but I need to get on with the weeding

Trench Warfare

In preparation for the Beans I have dug out a trench across a whole row which I will line with newspapers and fill with our home produced chicken manure and other compostable material.

Time to Sow Onions

Not the best photo.
I sowed 100 Onion Sets in 4 rows yesterday (Saturday).
This time the fleece is to keep the birds off rather that frost protection.

First Earlies Are Here

I earthed them up before leaving and carefully replaced the fleece to protect them from overnight frost

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fruit Cage

I've made a start on the fruit cage despite the bitterly cold wind today.


 I'm using "Eazy Frame" It just taps together with a mallet. Should be string enough to support a net.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Autumn Digging with my Autospade

Autumn Digging my Allotment with the Wolf / Terrex Auto Spade.

This is a genuine original Wolf/Terrex Autospade. that I have had for some years now. A newer version is once again available under the name "Backsaver Spade" Available from  It really does take the backache out of autumn digging. It was invented by a guy who lost a leg during World War II who wanted to continue to garden.

The spring action of this spade removes the need to bend and twist. Simply push the spade in the ground and pull back on the handle the soil id flicked into the air and inverted. Once you get a rhythm going you can quickly zip a long a row. 

I'm well ahead this year on my plot preparation as this spade lets me do more than when I use an ordinary spade. That plus no aching limbs requiring a hot bath and a dose of anti-inflammatory medication

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Christmas Potatoes

Its been a couple of weeks since I planted some held back seed potatoes for a Christmas crop and they have just began to show through. Since then I have found some old shop bought new potatoes which have started to chit so I'm going to put them in as well as a back-up.

Two rows of Garlic

No sooner have the spuds gone and the garlic goes in.

I don't know what success I will have this is just ordinary shop bought Garlic

Last of the Potatoes

The last of the spuds were lifted today. Here they are trying off in the sun.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Late Potatoes for Christmas

You can get special seed potatoes from most seed suppliers or you keep back a few main crop like I have. done here

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Harvest Continues

Longest Runner Bean

I'm going to enter the longest Runner Bean class this year, so how's my prize winning bean doing?


A bare plot now all the onions have been lifted while there drying off in the greenhouse just 4 remain for next years seed.

Once the flowers have been pollinated I will place a brown paper bag over the heads to catch the seed for next year.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Butternut Squash

Now there going they are growing at a fantastic rate.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Butternut Squash!

Suddenly the Butternut Squash make an appearance. Lots of little green butternuts everywhere

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Broad Bean Harvest

This little haul yielded 2.6Kg of beans which are now in the freezer.
What to do with all those pods, is there anything more creative than composting?

Sunday, July 31, 2011

More Spuds !

Another 60Kgs lifted this weekend.

Sorry no pictures but one sack of spuds looks like any other

Friday, July 22, 2011

Potatoe Harvest

A good yield per plant
A bucket full drying in the sun
A total haul of 35Kg! from just one and a half rows

At Sainsbury's prices that sack would have cost between £40 - £50 
not a bad ROI for a £3 investment.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Black Fly !!!

Spotted Black Fly one the Broad Beans this morning.

Hopefully picking the tops out will sort it out

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Its all growing well following the rain.



Rain Gauge

I have installed a simple rain gauge on the plot made from a funnel, an old soft drink bottle and a couple of plant pots.The plant pots from a sleeve and hold the funnel in place. Knowing the diameter of the funnel the volume of 1mm of water can be calculated. This value is then used to determine the rainfall from the measuring cylinder values obtained.

New Mobile Site

This blog is now available in a mobile friendly format.

Just use the existing url from your Android, Blackberry or iPhone

Saturday, June 18, 2011


This weekend with help from Rob & Izi I got the bark chippings down round the fruit trees and the poly tunnel

Monday, May 16, 2011

Main Crop Potatoes Are Showing Through

But you can be forgiven for missing them for the weeds!

So today's job is to carefully pull out the weeds and "Earth them up"

That's looking better